HAE EHA News Archive


Staff training creates better business results!

A report by the National Audit Office, entitled 'Employers' perspectives on improving skills for employment' has produced findings that the vast majority of UK businesses cannot ignore. Key headlines and recommendations in the report include:   An overall recommendation that UK businesses...


The Leitch review of skills in the UK

Lord Leitch, publishing his interim report, said: "Skills present a formidable challenge and a brilliant opportunity. They matter fundamentally for the economic and social health of the UK. Despite recent improvement, there is consensus that we need to be much more ambitious and a clear message...


New team members spark creativity

Apparently, substituting a team-member for a newcomer can help increase group creativity. That's according to Hoon-Seok Choi at Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea and Leigh Thompson at Northwestern University, USA. They compared the creativity of 33 three-person groups across two tasks....


New help for those who lack mental capacity

Health minister Rosie Winterton has announced the seven organisations that have been chosen to pilot the new Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) role. From January 2006, pilot IMCA advocates will provide a service to people without capacity, who have no families or friends to support...