HAE EHA News Archive


Budget puts skills development at the centre of economic growth

George Osbourne MP Chancellor of the Exchequer described British workers in his Budget yesterday as being less skilled that their counterparts in many other industrialised nations. But at the same time he also described skills development as a key ingredient in...


NTA and IIP partner for awards

National Training Awards and Investors in People have formed a partnership that will restrict entries to the Awards to companies that have been accredited to the IIP standard.   The partnership is a natural development as both organisations are involved in encouraging organisations of all...


Growth and Innovation Fund will boost investment in training

  Secretary of State for Business, Vince Cable, and Minister for Skills, John Hayes, today launched a £50 million a year fund to help businesses develop the skills they need to drive growth.   The Growth and Innovation Fund (GIF) will deliver targeted help for employer groups...