HAE EHA News Archive


Why WPLC added Personal Career Management services

Nowadays it is an unfortunate fact of working life for most people that they are more likely than not to experience a period when they will not be working. A quick show of hands amongst the Work Place Learning Centre team shows that we have all at some point in our career been in exactly that...


Psybil® Client Success Stories

Psynet have provided us with a selection of examples of companies that have used Psybil® successfully. Call Centre Turnover Problem: A large Medical Call Centre was experiencing a 107% annual turnover across its whole workforce. Solution: Psynet identified characteristics that...


Bookboon is now included in WPLC

The WPLC.co.uk Team is celebrating the end of the second complete work week in 2021 with the second addition this year to the Work Place Learning Centre catalogue. The Team have added the huge Bookboon library of bite-sized business eBooks and eLearning on soft skills and personal development by...


People First Change Launched

WPLC announces the launch of Engaging Change @YourBigPic. We meet Martin Johnson the founder of BIG PICTURE® and learn from using Engaging Change @YourBigPic how the latest addition to the WPLC catalogue can be applied successfully to any change project. Martin starts by...


WPLC Adds BIG PICTURE® and YourBigPic

We are very pleased that BIG PICTURE® and @YourBigPic are now included in Work Place Learning Centre. BIG PICTURE® is the ‘proprietary, unique wonderful Engagement tool’ that helps employers understand how their organisation really works, and helps employees to understand how they and their role...


WPLC.co.uk Staying Open For Business

Over recent weeks the business landscape has been completely redrawn. Although the vast majority of people who contract the Corona 19 Virus, it is a particularly contagious virus. Our collective focus as a community must be on ending its transmission. The WPLC.co.uk Plan for Business...


Bringing Your Own Game on WPLC

Bringing You’re a Game, has been added to the Work Place Learning Centre (WPLC) catalogue. A straight-forward, fun and easy learning activity Bringing You’re a Game is a card based learning resource that helps individuals and teams to understand what it is that makes individuals and team...


Origos lists on WPLC.co.uk

Teamwork and leadership development specialists Origos are to list their workshops, diagnostic tools and learning resources on Work Place Learning Centre. Origos was invited to join the WPLC family of suppliers because of the way in which they have created up to date approaches to team and...


Evolve Health and Safety Training joins WPLC

Evolve Health and Safety training, a provider of trainer led health and safety education solutions has joined the WPLC.co.uk training course catalogue. Since the launch of WPLC.co.uk we have always sought out innovate safety education resources and training courses, so we are very pleased to be...


Learning Needs Assessment Specialist Lists on WPLC.co.uk

A specialist in identifying learning needs, appropriate learning actions and learning reviews, Cement Learning has been added to the Work Place Learning Centre catalogue. For many organisations the delivery of the training is the easy part of developing their employees and volunteers. The...


Transferring From Education to Employment

Education to Employment launches on WPLC.co.uk Regardless of your age when you make the move from education to employment, it is undoubtedly one of those landmark life experiences. Like your first driving lesson or your first date many people worry about the unknown aspects of the experience,...


Get Ready for LGBT History Month

February is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Gender (LGBT) history month. Each February the LGBT community celebrates the historical and present-day contribution that LGBT people make to the wider community. Each year more organisations join in the celebrations to show support for their...


New Curator for WPLC.co.uk

Paul Greenwood is an experienced business training manager. He has worked in a variety of different working environments in both learning strategy and hands-on training delivery. He really does bring a wealth of experience to the WPLC.co.uk team that will benefit all our customers. “Looking back...


WPLC.co.uk teams up with WorkWorkWork.works

Here at Work Place Learning Centre we have always been keen to help as many organisations as possible to provide learning to their employees, regardless of whether or not they are buying learning resources or training courses from us. We have been offered the opportunity to participate to a new...


Is Brexit a Learning & Development Issue

Effective work place learning could be the key to Brexit success: Brexit means Brexit and we’re going to make a success of it, where the famous words of then Prime Minister Theresa May MP. Now three years on we still do not know whether the United Kingdom will leave the European Union with a...


New Media Partnership for WPLC

Work Place Learning Centre (WPLC) has agreed a media partnership with the Learning and Development Influencers Europe event which will be held in London from 17-18 September 2019. The event is being organised by Corinium and builds on the success they have enjoyed with their USA based...


How to have a Stylish Career Without Losing Your Femininity

Learn from the former CEO of Chanel how to have a stylish career without losing your femininity. Ahead of International Women’s Day and National Career’s Week we offer you the opportunity to read a free getAbstract summary of Beyond the Label,the story of an extraordinary woman. Maureen...


Leadership Killer Identified

Why do good leaders turn bad? WPLC offers a free summary of The Leader Killer which identifies the two main reasons As someone who is involved in employee development, I am often responsible for identifying those employees who have leadership potential and might be able to lead the...


Keeping New Year Learning Resolutions

A Free Guide to help you to achieve your 2019 New Year Learning Resolutions, is worth sharing. Maybe it is the changing of the year, or the often public way in which we announce them, or maybe it is something to do with the natural timeframe, we start the New Year with the intention of being...


Employers should go Dry January

Employers should capitalise on the benefits of the growing trend for people to reduce their alcohol consumption or stop altogether. ,center> More and more people are joining the growing trend to fore go drinking alcohol. Figures from Drink Aware suggest that the number of people who do not...


Brexit is a Productivity Challenge

As the turmoil in Westminster deepens Michael Millward identifies the real issue that employers will have to address as a result of Brexit. Regardless of how much chaos the politicians in Westminster and Brussels seem to be in at the moment the reality is that the United Kingdom will be...


Managing Professionals

If you ask someone to describe the job of manager, they are probably going to talk about someone who is remote from the people they manage, with a higher level of skill and knowledge, who issues instructions to the people in their team. It is a stereotypical view that probably has its roots in...


Learning from Staff Christmas parties, past

When will employers learn the lessons of past mistakes when it comes to staff Christmas parties? The start of Christmas in the USA is signalled by the arrival of the official Christmas tree, or rather Christmas trees at the White House. For me I know that Christmas is fast approaching...


Next year your focus must be on Productivity

Productivity will be the focus for HR and training professionals next year Over the last fifteen years I have only missed one Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Annual Conference and Exhibition (ACE). I have experienced many changes during those years, including the...


Guide to dealing with exhibition brochures

I hope that you had a good day at the exhibition, now it's time to sort out all the brochures that you collected Just before the CIPD annual exhibition and conference I shared with you a few tips for making a visit to the exhibition a success. There is after all so much to see and if you...


Guide to attending a Business Exhibition

Ensure that your visit to CIPD ACE is a success with this straightforward guide to attending a business exhibition. Every year, roughly in-between the flashes and bangs of bonfire night and the solemnity of Remembrance HR, and learning and development professionals from across the country...


Employee Guide to Safe Trick or Treating

This evenings trick or treating may be all trick tomorrow morning if not managed correctly! There was a time when Halloween was a religious event dedicated to remembering the dead, for some people it still is, but for the majority the annual event is an opportunity for abandoning...


Is time management an employee well being issue?

Understanding how you perceive the passage of time may be the key to successful time management. If you were unfortunate enough to witness a crime, how confident are you that you would be able to accurately describe the perpetrator? Can you accurately assess the difference between someone...


What is your presentation personality?

Giving a presentation is, I am told, one of the most stressful activities that anyone can undertake. I am not so sure that I agree, but then, I gave my first presentation when I was at school and I am often called upon in my work to deliver presentations and training courses, so any nerves that I...


Designing unconscious bias out of an organisation

Training has its limits, sometimes you must redesign the way people work. Equality and Diversity training is increasingly seen as a must have activity for any training professional or department to have in its library of training activities. The demand that this created has resulted in a...