HAE EHA News Archive


Free guide to getting more done in less time

Our latest free guide focuses on explaining how you can get more done in less time, by emulating the work habits of the most productive people in your organisation. If you want to get something done, so the old saying goes, the best person to ask to do it is the busiest person you know. It is...


Do more engaged employees deliver better customer service?

Links between employee engagement and customer service and vice-versa are investigated with Adrian Swinscoe We were in that stalwart of the high street, which is supposed to be on the verge of collapse, the one were we all buy our underwear, and desserts that we surreptitiously pass-off as...


Employee experience is the key to employee engagement

Could retailers show how creating a customer experience can be applied to any work place to enhance employee engagement and productivity? The big financial story this week seems to have been the sad demise of high street department store chain House of Fraser, when it went in to...


Coaching has become over complicated and needs to get back to the basics

Coaching has got over complicated and needs to get back to the basics if it is to deliver results. I am one of those trainers who likes to keep ahead of the game when it comes to new techniques and tools, so, when twenty years ago the opportunity to learn how to be a coach came up I...


The power of story-telling in business

We look ahead to theLondon HR Summit and the seminar that William Montgomery will be presenting on the power of story-telling as a tool for achieving business change.   I recently had the pleasure of making a journey from Leeds Railway station. As is my habit I had arrived a little...


Free guide to overcoming procrastination and getting things done

Somehow there is always a reason why you can’t get things done, or even get started this free guide will help you find focus and be more productive. When Olympic athletes are asked, how they have improved and achieved higher standards they often say that they found someone who was better...


Time to de-clutter coaching

We look ahead to the London HR Summit where Paul Furey will discuss how over complicating coaching has reduced the results it can achieve. A few years ago, when I was leading the learning and development team for a hi-tech manufacturing company, I was faced with a dilemma. The...


Free Guide to Managing Conflict

We offer a free guide to managing conflict at work with a view to getting a positive outcome. All too often selecting the right candidate for a professional or management role is not about which one is the most technically competent, it’s who will be the best fit with the existing...