HAE EHA News Archive


Has the internet become an external hard drive for the brain?

The Internet is a kind of collective memory,’ wrote Stephen Kosslyn (Harvard University). "When I write with a browser open in the background, it feels like the browser is an extension of myself."   The British Psychological Society has reported the work conducted by a research team...


WorldSkills 2011 hunts for professionals to supervise competition

Over 100,000 people have already booked to attend WorldSkills London 2011 and the organisers are looking for professionals from across a range of industries who would like to volunteer as supervisors of the competition.   WorldSkills is where the best young talents come together to test...


Green economy threatened by skills gap

Britain can not meet its renewable energy generation goals according to Steve Bratt Group CEO of the Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA) who has warned that the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) Microgeneration Plan doesn’t go far enough in addressing the skills gap...


Apprenticeships given a boost by EEF

The Engineering Employers Federation (EEF), the manufacturers’ organisation, has teamed up with the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills and Apprentice Ambassadors Network to boost the number of employers who provide apprenticeships.   The government has...


Managers are over confident and under skilled

Research from the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) managers believe that they are better managers than their performance suggests and that this is causing stress for their workers who leave work each day feeling unfulfilled.   The survey of 2,000 workers across the United Kingdom...