HAE EHA News Archive


Psybil® Client Success Stories

Psynet have provided us with a selection of examples of companies that have used Psybil® successfully. Call Centre Turnover Problem: A large Medical Call Centre was experiencing a 107% annual turnover across its whole workforce. Solution: Psynet identified characteristics that...


Bookboon is now included in WPLC

The WPLC.co.uk Team is celebrating the end of the second complete work week in 2021 with the second addition this year to the Work Place Learning Centre catalogue. The Team have added the huge Bookboon library of bite-sized business eBooks and eLearning on soft skills and personal development by...


People First Change Launched

WPLC announces the launch of Engaging Change @YourBigPic. We meet Martin Johnson the founder of BIG PICTURE® and learn from using Engaging Change @YourBigPic how the latest addition to the WPLC catalogue can be applied successfully to any change project. Martin starts by...


WPLC Adds BIG PICTURE® and YourBigPic

We are very pleased that BIG PICTURE® and @YourBigPic are now included in Work Place Learning Centre. BIG PICTURE® is the ‘proprietary, unique wonderful Engagement tool’ that helps employers understand how their organisation really works, and helps employees to understand how they and their role...